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Sabyasachi’s Mangalsutra Ad Triggers Backlash

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Designer Sabyasachi Mukherjee was brutally trolled on social media after pictures of his new jewellery ad campaign went viral on Wednesday. His new collection is titled ‘Intimate Fine Jewellery’.
#Sabyasachi #Jewellery

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  1. abhi gupta

    Mangalsutra holds religious importance it is not some fancy necklace or mala that you change according to your design. Traditional mangalsutra is mangalsutra this is not. Please leave our culture it is not hurting you.

    1. adesh chaudhary

      @ROHIT DHIMAN Organizations are very much ready to take down such ad. They put it for a while get attenion and take down.

      Its a risky move as it may lead to negative impact o n brand image. Brand should be neutral ? in such intolerant environment.

  2. Dr Padmakshi Lokesh

    Looks like everyone involved in the making of the ad don’t know the value of mangalsutra …..
    May be it’s shot for some other purpose and they named it managsutra ad ….
    Atleast know what u r doing folks ..else dont do ….

  3. Rohit Verma

    I think advertisement also checked by censor board like OTT before broadcasting ,these days its a trend to follow negativity publicity to hurt sentiments of nonmuslim people ,I remember all these brand and no shopping from me in future ????

    1. S

      @Shr Shr In my opinion, the scriptures of Hinduism are ahead of their time in terms of how one should perceive life. I don’t think if a person follows Hinduism in its truest form then he is soft-hearted, rather he is intelligent in both his mindset and his actions. He is close to achieving his divine being.
      In my opinion the last time something became rigid in Hinduism was casteism. And that was so abysmal that we still face its negative consequences.
      Sustain? Religion is not a race or a competition. It is for every person to feel liberated and have a meaning in life. Not compare themselves to each other to see who is winning in scale.
      We should become rigid so that we get this in return sounds an awful like you are doing and changing things to achieve results. And what did Krishna say in Gita? They who work selfishly for results are miserable.
      If your reason for rigidity had any validity in its reasoning then I would have had no objection but it is truly, no offence, a pathetic reason.
      You don’t like them so you will become like them. An eye for an eye.
      If you are deviating from the core of the teachings then are you even following Hinduism anymore?
      This seems to just be a rigid, exclusive and intolerant cult with angry, miserable people plastering the name of Hinduism on top.
      How people integrate Hinduism in their lives has been truly astonishing to me by seeing these comments. People don’t seem to care about what the religion is teaching rather care more about the other religion and compare themselves to it. Blindly follow anything that has been told by the so-called Brahmins(priests). Without ever bothering to truly understand their religion.
      If you ever read any scripture, it will only give you strength, not weakness. Discard this misconception of Hinduism is *too tolerant* and *soft* It’s not. It just knows what matters in life and what doesn’t.

    2. Shr Shr

      @S That’s true, but the reality that Hinduism has made the followers soft-hearted(as in to follow religion for peace and not for groupism) and for it to sustain in a world where 2 major extremist religions that has swallowed the major population, it has to become somewhat like them. We all know however much we become liberal and accept others, they are still gonna hate us untill we convert. This problem would’ve neved existed and we would have been following the liberty has Hinduism has to offer if India was a Hindu nation. But as that is not possible, I like and appreciate the change, however funny it may sound but I like that people have started to become rigid.

    3. S

      @The Third Door as I said rituals are subject to evolution and changes. Nothing is rigid and it should not be. Rigidity in my opinion causes intellectual stagnation. It is better if we move forward in a discriminating manner.
      So my Hindu sentiments don’t mind if a groom wears Mangalsutra or sindhoor. And it is not that big of a deal.
      The material of manglasutra is symbolic, at the core a marriage is union of two people and that the ad does not offend. If women wear it, don’t wear it, men wear it, don’t wear it does not make a difference in their actual marriage and union in the slightest. It is just a piece ti show union to society and has no health, relationship or supernatural benefits.
      So whoever wears it is a non-issue in my opinion.

  4. Sonia Maino

    The way they project in this add is an attack on Indian custom, tradition and culture.
    Very often recently frequent attacks are made on Hindu culture, tradition (attire, bindhi, flowers, surname… ) faiths and distortedly depicted Hindu deities to test the patients.
    One direct question to them can these media makers, pseudo intellectuals dare to do sarcastic comments/adds on religions like Christian, Islam?
    Public have to think and teach them a lesson by demanding government to cancel their and associates add licence, Imposing heavy financial penalty, cancellation of the professional qualification of the maker and Imprisonment….
    It is the leaniance and overpatients in the Hindu system giving a chance for some malicious elements

  5. Anurag Pratap Singh

    I’m not appreciating the way they are advertising it but I’m kinda happy that they have shown there that LGBTQ+ couples exist too. Good job with that. Else please find another way to advertise a thing like Mangalsutra.

    1. Kartik Lakhotia

      @ginalinetti Poor guy is just saying that he doesn’t like it. I am perfectly fine with the ad but that doesn’t mean everyone must like it. He is entitled to his opinion and in a liberal culture, he shouldn’t be bashed for that. As long as he is not calling for a ban on this or hurting someone, chill yourself and let chill

  6. Bipasha Basu

    Why is doing something shocking considered as “modern”? I am a bengali and I used to be very proud of sabyasachi for furthering the Bengali heritage in his initial works at least. But this is not just distasteful but also humiliation of Indian traditions. Sorry but brand Sabyasachi is loosing credibility.

  7. lakmi Chinto

    I was always a little no not little a lot against Sabyasachi’s display of cleavages to showcase his designer outfits.. people often said wow that’s how you show a woman… And now see what levels a little ok drops down to..
    There’s a huge difference between showcasing design in a tasteful manner and one in a very awful manner.. this is ofcourse awful!!!!
    I hope he learns his lesson ?

    1. Kundan Kumar

      @Aravindh SM सर main nudity ko gnda ya koi paap ka घड़ा nhi man rha agr wo उपयुक्त समय पर उपयुक्त उद्देश्य के लिये उपयुक्त जगह पर show किया जाये। अपने निजी कक्ष में रात को एक पत्नी का अपने पति के समक्ष nudity show करना उस स्त्री के लिये कोई अनुपयुक्त कार्य नहीं है मगर उसी स्त्री का सरेआम उसी nudity का similar show unaccepted होगा। आशा है आप समझ गये होंगे मेरे कथन का तात्पर्य। रही बात अन्य देशों में nudity को accept करने कि बात तो सर अपने शरीर की सारी अंगुलियों को एक बराबर नहीं किया जा सकता। कुछ देशों में वेश्यावृति भी लीगल है और सरेआम भी होता है तो क्या हम भारत में वेश्यावृति लीगल कर के सरेआम करने की छूट दें दें? तालिबान अगर अफगानिस्तान में महिलाओं को क़ानूनी रूप से बंधक बना रहा है तो हम भी देखा देखी वही काम कर लें? नहीं न? क्योंकि ऐसा करने से हम ब्लाइंड follower कहे जाएंगे न कि मॉडर्न और so called highly स्कॉलर। हर देश, राज्य या क्षेत्र की अपना निजी पहचान होता है फिर वो चाहे सांस्कृतिक हो या राजनैतिक। और उस पहचान को बनाये रखना हमारी जिम्मेवारी।

    2. Sandip Ghosh

      @Kundan Kumar okay cool i understood your argument but see the problem always lies in the eyes of the viewer. If someone can make such ads more power to them, but after airing such an ad they know that the public will kill them ?. My argument is anything should be aired, why does everyone have a problem!!! Regarding traditional beliefs and all, having traditional beliefs is good, but why do people have to get offended if something which is not per their belief is shown to them!! that ad is not telling people to become nude and show their mangalsutra. There is also an art in showing undergarments which people won’t understand. I see alot of things which are not per my beliefs but i don’t go and create a problem and this is not about this ad im talking in general about everything, look how people are commenting on mohammed shami just because he didn’t bowl well. Anything that doesn’t happen as per their taste they will tear it apart. Who gives them the right to do that. See they got what they wanted , the ad was pulled down. Look at dabur’s ad which was pulled down what was wrong in that tell me? Its not about what should be shown and what shouldn’t or views and all. Its about people having a problem with every damn thing. And regarding views!! Views don’t always convey facts and reality including mine and just because we have views doesnt mean they we are right and something else is wrong. People should stop viewing around and start dealing in facts and reality.

    3. Kundan Kumar

      @Sandip Ghosh ha ha ?. Sir either you didn’t go through my words thoroghly or you are determined not to think about other’s views. You said that you watch whatever being shown on TV but you missed my points. None of any ad makers have made and telecasted such ads using skinshow illustrating how to wear sanitary pads, how to wear and use condoms, how to use menstrual cups, how to perform acts of sexual pleasure using lubricant oil purposely made for such acts. All such ads currently being shown anywhere across the world are using symbolic figures/pics etc. Why so? If you’re so bold and so called modern and highly literate ad maker then you must show models performing that acts in place of using symbols/images. If you’re showing an ad about menstrual cups telling how to use it perfectly so you need a girl/lady performing insertion of that cup into her vagina. What’s wrong in such video as per your views? As per your own words – nothing, isn’t it? Similarly, rather than using symbolic signs a highly literate modern ad maker should hire a model and ask him/her to wear condoms and make an ad filming such act. Then air such ads while you watching a family show in front of your TV set. Is there anything wrong such in such ads? Afterall such ads will clear the myths linked with that products, isn’t it? But unfortunately I have not seen such ads containing nude acts even in the so called modern and developed countries. Buying sanitary pads for your mom, sisters or wife is nothing abnormal but advocating nudity by any means is not a normal ideology which you’re supporting. Mangalsutra ads is more and less linked with religious views of so called major community in this country so ad makers must act and show accordingly.

  8. Pradeep Kumar

    बहुत शर्मनाक है, इस तरह के एडवरटाइजमेंट से हमें अत्यंत निराशा हुई है। Shame!

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