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Bhima Jewellery’s moving ‘Pure As Love’ ad featuring a trans Woman

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#BhimaJewellery #PureAsLove #TransWoman @Bhima

A few days ago Bhima Jewellery won over the internet with one of the most beautiful ads called 'Pure As Love'. It celebrates the journey of a trans woman. A trans woman is a woman assigned male at birth, and often has trouble fitting in because of regressive societal norms. This beautiful ad imagines a different world..
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  1. Nandini Anil

    Respect the person who came up with this idea and Bheema who were brave to make this ad in a country where all LGBTQ+ community is considered somehow bad and this thought is passed down to generation to generation. This is an inspiration for everyone. India is changing guys.

    1. Nick Hyuga

      @Laura Cornwell also your last paragraph doesn’t make much sense to me. Could you rephrase that? Cause you’re implying that I’m teaching trans people to kill themselves or something? Is that what you said?

    2. Nick Hyuga

      @Laura Cornwell see this is what happens when you’re biased and look at a topic of discussion. I’ve explained why the suicide rate is soo abnormal multiple times above so I’m not in the mood to type all that again. Read through them if you want the answer.
      Also you’re not being precise in what you’re trying to say. Are you implying that your community does not have high suicide rates? Cause I can point you to a multitude of censuses and studies, from both sides of the political spectrum which shows that it does in fact exist. Are you disagreeing with that? Cause that’s what your first two paragraphs are implying ?

    3. Laura Cornwell

      @Nick Hyuga I have a difficult time quantifying the experiences of people other than myself. I have met other trans people. I haven’t personally known anyone who committed suicide.

      Any anomalies in people can lead to higher rates of suicidal ideation. Soldiers and Police struggle with PTSD. People with substance and sexual dependence. People who are in economically depressed areas. Suicide has many faces.

      As for trans gender individuals, I would also question study efficacy in relation to a community where certain percentages of people live two lives. Also, the population has so many different avenues they may choose. Some only dress occasionally in opposite or gender fluid ways. Transpeople are not a large percntage of the population either, on top of many who do not let family or friends, coworkers or church associates know of this other side.

      Then, they hear the remarks from others who may not suspect this person is part time or considering full-time transition. Either way, transgender people will always be here. To say things that make suicide sound like an inevitable possibility for a high percentage of transgender people, does little to “save” them from themselves.

      “Oh your transgender, have you thought about killing yourself today?” “Now son, you’re not a girl. These transgender people are mentally ill, unstable. You will end up a suicide! I have read the studies!”

      Do no harm. My therapist, Dr. Kate Thomas at Johns Hopkin Sexuality Clinic/Baltimore, didn’t bring up suicide as an alternative to the misery the studies you speak of. There are also studies that suggest transgender suicide isn’t so much being transgender, but facing a barrage of disinformation, religous and authoritarian radical conservative anger and fear. Throw in politics, and I question whether such pressures don’t relate to transgender people having higher suicide rates. When fifty percent of the adult voters are pushed to dislike the term transgender in the United States, how can there be no effect?

      If you plan to counsel individuals, I certainly hope you are upfront about your feelings of transgender suicide rates. It would be unprofessional to push some one wondering about being transgender, to kill themselves. Give them a chance to find a therapist that is supportive.

    4. Nick Hyuga

      @Laura Cornwell Well I doubt you know more than me, cause if you did you would’ve realised that anecdotes are not a form of evidence. Just cause you’ve never experienced it doesn’t mean that no-one else in your community hasn’t. The abnormally high suicide rate in your community is pretty well documented and a multitude of studies ans censuses conducted throughout the years show this. The fact that this high suicide rate exists is not something people argue about, cause everyone knows it exists. The thing people disagree on is the cause of this high suicide rate, and I gave my educated guess on it in an earlier comment. What’s your opinion on it?

  2. Ajithlal Gangadharan

    More than the concept, accepting this kind of a concept for a jewellery ad is unbelievable. Its not just spending few crores in the name of corporate responsibility, rather this kind of approach by business houses towards society in true sense fulfills the responsibility. Kudos to Bhima!

    1. ZomBQueeen

      That’s very good point. Until I read this I forgot how jewelry ads tend to be conservative for the older, as they are usually wealthier, audience so this is such a pleasant and beautiful surprise.

  3. Sneha Nagendran

    Wonderful ad❤️ Happy to see my India towards a progressive way ❤️ and ads like this can really bring a change in mind of people.. especially those who are so conservative!!

  4. Achal Shah

    So beautiful ❤️ Face of a changing India. Progressive messaging without falling into the political trap, yet unfortunately it’ll be receiving hatred and backlash for doing and saying the right thing.

  5. Sin Vee

    I saw this ad n didn’t bat and eye lid. I thought it was a lovely story n great how accepting they were. I was actually wowed by it.

    I guess most ppl thought like me. It was well done. Beautifully presented.

    I wish all ppl were just accepted by their family with love n supported.

  6. Chembakam's Malayalam Recipes

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